
Our Blog

From now Onwards

<h6>“Advice? I don’t have advice. Stop aspiring and start writing. If you’re writing, you’re a writer. Write like you’re a goddamn death row inmate and the governor is out of the country and there’s no chance for a pardon. Write like you’re clinging to the edge...

The Importance of Failure

"Do you want to fail?" "I want my child to always be first!" "There is no importance in the winning, however why let others be better than you if you are better than them?" "So you do not want to pass the exam? Do you want to be a nobody? " Everyone at some point in...


We have said that stress is good, that if we learn how to manage it, it can become productive, and give us impetus. That is why many are perform better under pressure. However, there is another form of stress that may cause, collapse, crises and insomnia. Many of us...

Do Astronauts Create?

The journey of creation is quite complex, it is the conception of an idea, an image, from a specific viewpoint, it is the processing of this image, its analysis, the chunking of each characteristic, and the interpretation of each chunking. A subjective interpretation,...

How Important is it to set Goals?

How important is it to set goals? Is it necessary? And  what if we change our minds? Can someone aim to dream? Probably not. Dreams are unlimited, daily. We can dream with eyes closed, with eyes open, while we sleep, but also during the lesson. There are various kinds...

What is stress? Does it Exist in Space?

We have all heard about stress! And almost all of us have described it as something bad, trying to get rid of it. However, what the majority of people does not know is that stress is a natural "mechanism" of living organisms that prepares them to cope with external or...

How am I Going to Change Career?

Many times we hear about professional choices. Options that bring us a life! Or not?   Just as our preferences for our hobbies, our interests, our favourite food change; so someone can change his/her mind about what job s/he would like to do.   "Make your...

May Astronauts be also Artists?

Many times when we focus on our goal, we neglect to keep ourselves balanced. With a demanding program, astronauts need not spend their time on meaningless things. Thus, specific hours are scheduled for play and creation as well as for fun. It is characteristic what so...

Let’s Introduce Ourselves

An exercise I often assign to my students! In their overwhelming majority, they have difficulty understanding, realizing it, starting it. It is difficult to find your essence, to abandon everything that determines you. Most responses: "I am a human", "I am a...

Are Astronauts Afraid?

Fear is a primal instinct; it is the reason why man, such a defenseless being, without sharp teeth and nails, without great size or power, has survived and has been prevalent for so many thousands of years. It is, the characteristic that we have to be vigilant at all...
Do Astronauts Create?

Do Astronauts Create?

The journey of creation is quite complex, it is the conception of an idea, an image, from a specific viewpoint, it is the processing of this image, its analysis, the chunking of each characteristic, and the interpretation of each chunking. A subjective interpretation,...

May Astronauts be also Artists?

May Astronauts be also Artists?

Many times when we focus on our goal, we neglect to keep ourselves balanced. With a demanding program, astronauts need not spend their time on meaningless things. Thus, specific hours are scheduled for play and creation as well as for fun. It is characteristic what so...

Time Management

Time Management

What is time? And why is it chasing us? Is there time in space?   Time is the human explanation of natural evolution. It is the interpretation of involuntary change. It is the measurement of the shadow on the wall. It is the pace we give to the void. Time exists,...

Do Astronauts Play with Games?

Do Astronauts Play with Games?

Games are for children!   Is a waste of time!   No serious individual loses his/her time playing!   2018! One distinctive year for the European Space Agency (ESA)! The crew of Horizons 57 consists of three Europeans, a Russian and an American! Anyone...



A new idea can be spread quickly if someone can explain it and communicate it to others before they have to discover it themselves. But the chief advantage of language is not communication but autogeneration. Language is a trick that allows the mind to question...

The Curiosity of Intellect

The Curiosity of Intellect

Or simply the queasy thirst for knowledge. I am not referring to the thirst for reading, but for creation, discovery, exploration. Produce knowledge in every form! Thus, Lucian the Samosateus traveled to us on the moon in the 2nd century BC. Julius Verne in the center...